

Two full days in here, and I still have very mixed feelings about the city. We were scammed already twice, which hurts a lot not because of lost money but because of our damaged frequent traveler pride and shattered trust in people.

The weather is dry hot, so 30°C are still tolerable. The food is delicious and very affordable, and good restaurants are everywhere. But… it’s allowed to smoke inside! So we think twice before we enter with our kids.

The people are generally very friendly and willing to help with showing destinations or helping carrying the stroller. Which we do a lot, as there are no ramps and sidewalks are extremely high. I frankly don’t know how people with disabilities or moms with small kids survive here…

That’s it with the first impressions.

There are beautiful streets and places scattered in the city. We have discovered only some of them and more to go in the next couple of days. Stay tuned!


After one week in Baku, I can finally say I got used to this city. I still can’t thoroughly sort it out, if I like it or not.

Baku reminds me of my childhood town, Kazan, and Abu Dhabi at the same time. Did I get warm with it? Not really. For me, the weather is too hot, it’s not enough green and shadowy places and the city is not suitable for pedestrians.

Besides, I can’t fully relax, as I’m expecting people to fool me at every corner because I’m not a local. And, maybe, because I’m a woman? I don’t know. Luckily, until now, there were no further scams, only those taxi and sim-card ones. And most of the people we meet are very friendly and helpful. Nevertheless, the feeling of uncertainty does not leave me.
However, Baku fulfilled its primary objective of being a suitable place to meet with my parents, and I’m grateful Aserbaidschan for this opportunity! Everything else is complaining at a high level.


Six days with my parents in Baku were a blessing!

Seeing their love to their grandchildren and the efforts they put into winning their acceptance and love back is heart melting and heartbreaking at the same time. I’m endlessly sad that my mom and dad live so far away, and we are divided by thousands of kilometers and visa intricacies. But we manage to see each other a couple of times in a year, and our relationship stays warm and strong.


Looking back to our trip to Baku while preparing this post, I see photos of a beautiful old city and delicious food (and of a happy family of a mom, dad, two kids, their grandma and grandpa). As I’m not showing the faces of my children on my blog, I will show you the photos of the places of interest and some food we savored.

Besides, the zoo was also very much worth a visit, with its cool playground and plenty of shade to hide from the heat.

By | 2024-09-23T20:57:39+01:00 September 23rd, 2024|

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