Three weeks in Colombia: our route

By | 2019-06-11T19:12:41+01:00 March 21st, 2019|

Our route in Colombia Combined with Panama (you can read more about it here and here), Colombia was our big trip of the year 2018, which spread into the beginning of 2019. We spent a bit more than three weeks (23 days) in this beautifully diverse South-American country. For those who want to go to Colombia and have [...]

Tunisia during off-season: Dougga, Tunis, Monastir

By | 2019-03-14T23:04:17+01:00 March 14th, 2019|

Dougga UNESCO believes that Dougga represents "the best-preserved Roman small town in North Africa". Indeed, this archaeological site is located two-hour drive from the major cities and therefore was protected from the intrusion of the modern urbanization. Dougga’s impressive size, its well-preserved monuments and its deep Berber, Punic, ancient Roman and Byzantine history make it exceptional. [...]

Выйти замуж в Германии: бюрократическая сторона

By | 2019-03-14T22:14:41+01:00 March 13th, 2019|

В 2018 году, мой молодой человек и я поженились в Берлине. Так как у меня Российское гражданство, мне нужно было подготовить n-ное количество документов, переведенных на немецкий для подачи в загс и на получение разрешения на заключение брака. Честно говоря, это не самый простой и быстрый процесс, отчасти потому что в интернете я не нашла полного и подробного описания [...]